Elen mafi kyau sunan ma'ana: Volatile, Modern, Friendly, Mai halin kuskunda, M. Samun Elen ma'anar sunan.
Elen asalin sunan farko. Welsh form of Helen. This was the name of a 4th-century Welsh saint. It also appears in the Mabinogion, a collection of tales from Welsh myth, belonging to a woman who built the roads in Wales. Samun Elen asalin sunan farko.
Kwafi ko yadda za a furta sunan farko Elen: EL-en. Yadda za a furta Elen.
Synonymous names for Elen a kasashe daban-daban da kuma harsuna: Alena, Alenka, Alyona, Elaina, Elaine, Elena, Elene, Eleni, Eli, Elīna, Eliina, Elin, Elina, Ella, Elle, Ellen, Ellie, Elly, Hélène, Helēna, Heléna, Heleen, Heleena, Heleentje, Helen, Helena, Helene, Heli, Hellen, Ileana, Ilinca, Jela, Jelena, Jelka, Jeļena, Lainey, Laney, Léan, Leena, Lena, Lene, Leni, Lenka, Lenuța, Lesya, Nell, Nelle, Nellie, Nelly, Olena, Shelena, Yelena. Samun Elen a cikin wasu harsuna.
Mafi na kowa sunayen da sunan karshe Haskett: Florrie, Keaton, Margareta, Tarra, Beth, Margaréta. Samun Sunayen da cewa tafi tare da Haskett.